Guidelines for Mediums to Nominate Starter Client Volunteers 

Guidelines for Mediums to Nominate Starter Client Volunteers 

Purpose: The primary purpose of starter client sessions is to help Mediums take their skills and development to the next level by working with people other than Mediums.

Background: Consider this practice period like removing the training wheels from a bike. Mediums get used to working with people who understand exactly what they’re going through. In the Starter Client environment, we are removing those training wheels. By providing Mediums with a safe step into the client realm, more skilled Mediums to take the leap

Most Mediums will be a little nervous when starting to work  with Therefore, it’s critical that we select the right kinds of Starter Clients and that we
help these volunteers understand their role to help smooth the transition.

Starter Client volunteers are generally friends and family of other Mediums. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that all friends and family members would make strong candidates as Starter Client volunteers.

Selecting Potential Volunteers:

Starter clients should meet all of the following criteria:

  • Not Mediums: They should not be Mediums or Mediums-in-training themselves. We have other opportunities for those sessions in Medium-to-Medium practices.
  • Interested in Helping: They should have a genuine interest in furthering the development of Mediums in training.
  • Good With Appointments: They should take their appointments seriously. Late arrivals and no-shows can be troublesome for any Medium, but particularly at this stage.
  • Not In High Need: They should not be currently in high need of an accurate or fulfilling mediumship session. For example, this is not an appropriate role for someone who is
    currently overwhelmed with grief.
  • Committed to Giving Confidential Feedback: They should be fully comfortable providing feedback on evidence recognition, both during and after the session.
  1. During the session to calibrate recognition of evidence,
  2. Immediately following the session in conversation with the Medium to further calibrate on recognition points, and then
  3. Via the feedback survey so the Medium has another way to gauge impact/progress.

When your referrals come to register, we will communicate clearly what they can expect and
what we need from them. For example, they should not come expecting psychic sessions or
any advice or forecasts about the future.

Thank you for helping us find the right people to join the VerySoul community as Starter Client

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