Our Story

Imagine a compelling force…a force that demands your attention. It shows you a transformational opportunity that must spark action. This is inspiration. And it was inspiration that started VerySoul in early 2021.

VerySoul was more than an idea. It was a detailed plan, with goals and funding, that came together to meet a clear need: providing a place where Mediums could help bridge the communication gap between people and their loved ones who had passed.

Mediums have been helping bridge this gap for centuries by serving as conduits for people who wanted to experience their departed loved ones. Though the need for authentic, evidence-based Mediums is growing, they have historically been hard to find.

That’s where VerySoul comes in. As a platform, we connect clients and Mediums who are dedicated, professional, and always evidential. We do this in 3 ways:

  • By providing clients an easy way to find authentic Mediums they can trust,
  • By funding donated sessions for clients with an inability to pay, and
  • By supporting Mediums with an environment that reflects their values.

VerySoul was conceived and built by Mediums as a mission-first, Public Benefit Company. Our passion is helping you connect.

And the inspirations behind VerySoul continue – they keep coming and lighting our path forward.

You may find that your experience with VerySoul gives rise to your own inspiration story. We’ve shared ours. Now we’d love to hear yours.

— The Mediums of VerySoul
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© 2022-24 Very Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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VerySoul supports Mediums by providing free access to our platform and by helping develop them in an environment that fits their values. We promote their ongoing development by facilitating more regular sessions, aligning them with sessions appropriate for their experience level, ensuring they receive regular feedback, and providing opportunities to learn from more experienced Mediums.

Your Inspiration Story

A public benefit company is a company created to generate social and public good, and to operate in a responsible and sustainable manner.
