Behind The Scenes

Sally Hawk


Sally is a Medium. She has always had strong intuition and a sense of her related abilities. Her major awakening occurred in 2003 through a deeply meaningful visitation from a loved one who nobody knew had just passed in another country. In researching this phenomenon, she quickly learned that these experiences are relatively common but are not discussed openly in many cultures. This new awareness, followed by a series of eye-opening experiences with others who had passed, eventually led her to mediumship.

Sally made her first purposeful mediumistic connection in March 2020 and has been pursuing development as an evidence-based Medium ever since. She has studied with some of the top experts in the world.

Sally started her 27-year corporate career as an actuary and risk manager. She played a range of roles in some of the world's top financial companies, eventually running large, global businesses. She specialized in leading and transforming businesses with significant challenges and complex risks

After retiring from corporate life, she refocused on giving back to her community by mentoring teens working to overcome poverty. She also mentors executives and start-ups with strong pay-it-forward potential.

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Colleen Byrum

Strategic Advisor

Colleen is a seasoned international technology and ecommerce executive with leadership roles in Fortune 100 ecommerce and software companies in the US, Canada, England, and Germany. Her expertise spans high growth startup environments, service operations, and international acquisition integration.

Mediumship was a closeted and secretive thing in her youth. Although her matrilineal line is chockablock with mediums and psychics, mediumship fell victim to society's censorious pressures in her childhood. Bewildered, but bright and imaginative, she tucked it away. Apart from breakthrough experiences of mediumship in her twenties and thirties, it did not become the subject of serious study until her late thirties.

Now in her sixties, Colleen is a lifelong learner of mediumship. She works-through her Facebook group Evidential Mediumship-to elevate the level of professionalism in our work. This includes teaching how to endow our work with compassion and wisdom while improving the accuracy of our readings. She also examines and articulates the ethical standards we strive to uphold. Her commitment to accessible training is one of the reasons she maintains Evidential Mediumship as a free resource.

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Suzanne Giesemann

Strategic Advisor

Suzanne is a former US Navy Commander and Aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In her Navy career she flew on Air Force One with the President and visited with kings and queens around the world. Although serving her country was a great honor, Suzanne found her true calling as the result of the death of her stepdaughter, Susan, a Marine sergeant, and grandson Liam, struck and killed by lightning crossing the flight path at Cherry Point, NC. Tragedy proved to be the foundation of what is now her life’s work teaching.

Suzanne is a spiritual teacher, author, and Medium recognized on the Watkins’ 2022 list of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. She is also a member of the visionary Evolutionary Leaders Circle.

She has published 13 books, 6 Hemi-Sync recordings, and YouTube videos reaching millions of viewers. She produces the Daily Way inspirational messages and hosts the weekly Messages of Hope radio show. She leads classes, workshops, and retreats and serves as faculty with The Shift Network and Humanity’s Team.

Suzanne shares The Awakened Way™, a path to living a consciously connected and divinely guided life, and created the BLESS ME© method of connecting to Higher Consciousness and the SIP of the Divine© meditation. Her gift of multidimensional communication has been verified by noted afterlife researchers. Her messages bring not only hope, but healing and love that go straight to the heart.

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Lenore Vassil

Strategic Advisor

Lenore is a technology executive with extensive experience ranging from global Fortune 500 companies to start-ups, across diverse industries in times of high growth and challenged business performance. She specializes in rapid transformation in response to shifting global economic markets, customer demands, and competitive environments. Lenore is currently the Global Head of Enterprise Technology at WeWork, the leading provider of flexible workspace for entrepreneurs, small business, and large enterprises. She began her career as a technology consultant building software for Accenture, and later worked for Verizon, MTV Networks, and Bank of America leading technology and operations teams through complex change.

Prior to WeWork, she founded, an app for managing personal emergency information, used by individuals, families, and financial advisors. During this time she was extremely grateful and impressed by the generous support she received from the entrepreneurial community and now devotes her time to mentor mission-based start-ups to pay it forward. Lenore is inspired by the tremendous benefit evidential-mediumship provides to people grieving a loss, and believes VerySoul will be the trusted platform to make it available to anyone in need.

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Jackie Wright

Strategic Advisor

Jackie is a Minister and the President of the Spiritualists National Union, and also Chairman of the world renowned Arthur Findlay College of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences in the UK. Jackie is an accomplished, internationally recognized Medium and mediumship teacher and mentor. She is also a tutor at Arthur Findlay College. Jackie holds diplomas in public speaking, demonstrating, teaching and education.

Jackie has a passion for serving the Spirit world in whatever capacity they desire, be it teaching, demonstrating or private sittings. She encourages students to search for themselves and become their own authority within their development. She is not interested in developing clones, but instead wants students to explore their own unique relationship with those in the world of Spirit. Her passion is to encourage the student to find their own unique relationship with the unseen world. As a course organizer and tutor she helps students to discover the power of their own soul and how to heal their blocks, so they can become the strongest vessel possible in their work as Mediums. Her philosophy has always been: “Retain your individuality, your uniqueness, because that is why the Spirit world has chosen you.”

As a working Medium and teacher of mediumship Jackie realizes how difficult it is for students to have good places to practice. She feels VerySoul offers students not only a chance to practice with like minded people, but a safe environment that carries a high standard and an opportunity to progress. Jackie is a strong supporter of this unique and professional organization.

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