Welcome to VerySoul!  

If your membership has been approved,  we invite you to complete the onboarding steps for the Scheduling Module of our system.  These steps should take no more than 30 minutes.

Ideally you will want to have simultaneous access to both:

  • The Scheduling Module of the system (ideally on your computer) and
  • The onboarding videos and tips below (ideally on a different device or in a different window on your computer).

Please take the following steps in this order:

1) Watch this introductory Video #1

(You control the speed! Use the small gear wheel in the lower right of the videos to make it faster or slower to your preference.)

We’ve created an account for you on FlexBooker.com. When you are instructed to sign in,  go to Login, in the upper right corner. Use the same email (as your ID) and password that you did for your original registration.

(You control the speed! Use the small gear wheel in the lower right of the videos to make it faster or slower to your preference.)

If you are using an iCloud calendar, prepare your Apple app-specific password by following these instructions.

3) Once you have finished connecting your calendar and zoom accounts, please book a systems test session with our support staff at Book a Test Session so that we can finalize your setup.

4)Some time the week of March 14 we anticipate we will have enough Mediums onboard to formally being Medium-to-Medium practices through the system. You will receive an email with instructions when  we reach that milestone. Until then, please just wait patiently and don’t do anything with the system.

If you run into any problems during your onboarding process, please Book A Help Session with our support team or contact us at support@verysoul.com.

© 2022-24 Very Soul LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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