Client Q&As
Many people have questions after their experience with a Medium. We’ve compiled some frequently asked questions to help you.
A high quality mediumship session can create some mind-bending considerations, especially if this was your first experience. We can assure you that the experience is genuine and that all of the Mediums (and everyone behind the scenes of VerySoul) do this work for heartfelt reasons. There’s no magic, no gimmicks, and no pre-session sleuthing about you.
Authentic Mediums actually prefer to know as little as possible about their clients before a session so that they can provide a completely blank slate for those communicating to you. VerySoul only provides Mediums with the client’s first name. Mediums do have access to your contact information for emergency reasons (running late, etc.), but generally only pay attention to your first name and the time for the meeting.
But we can all remember our first mediumship experiences, so we completely understand healthy skepticism. And typically our Mediums are just as awed by the experience as you are. It’s why we never try to tell anyone what to believe and why we focus so much on ethical practices for our Mediums.
Our Mediums are hand-selected for a series of competencies which include strong ethics and from-the-heart approaches.
To start, we want to make it absolutely clear that your session was donated and intended to be completely free.
But if you want to pay something to your Medium, we want to help facilitate that as well. We know our Mediums are awesome and that they pour their hearts and souls into their work. So we support their compensation where we can. Know that 100% of your payment will go directly to the Medium. If you wish, you can compensate your medium.
If you would like to book them again, you can do so by selecting Professional Sessions and booking them for their fee. Again, 100% of that fee goes directly to the Medium.
Please do note that VerySoul does not promote an over-reliance on mediums and so does not encourage multiple sessions in a short period. Each session is special and unique and it often takes weeks or months for the full impact to become apparent.
VerySoul has over a thousand mediums at various stages of development. Every Medium that a client can access through our website has been well-vetted for ethics, skills, and ability. They are each incredible in their own special ways.
Each Medium is a unique instrument given their life experiences, natural sensitivities, and chosen training methods. VerySoul does monitor the progress of Mediums and regulates the level of participation accordingly. Our client-facing mediums are all very accomplished.
We have a tiered platform that offers Mediums opportunities to practice only with other mediums and then ease into various levels of client experiences based on their readiness. Most of our Mediums simultaneously pursue training and mentorships with various mediumship teachers. We also offer some coaching along the way through our generous coach volunteers.
This could have happened for a few reasons.
- The information was for you, but that will only become apparent to you at some point in the near future or when you triangulate with others. This may be purposeful on the part of the Communicator to help you have a more meaningful experience and/or to help others be a part of the recognition event. Post-session recognition is a relatively common occurrence for clients.
- The Communicator was trying to get to someone else nearby or was hoping you’d relay their information to someone else.
- The Medium could just be having an off day and/or may not be the best instrument for the communicator that day.
In the mediumship industry, experienced practitioners have reported ending between 10-30% of their sessions early because they couldn’t establish a strong evidential connection for the client in the first 10 minutes.
Typically Mediums either ask to reschedule the session or refund your money.VerySoul’s mission is to help 1 million people have mediumship experiences over the next few years. The VerySoul platform is 100% free to ethical Mediums pursuing evidence-based mediumship. We facilitate thousands of hours of practice, feedback, and coaching for up-and-coming Mediums and then provide a place for clients to meet with qualified, ethical Mediums. VerySoul also does not take any fees or percentages, nor do we charge for memberships, payment services, or anything at all. Mediums use the VerySoul completely free of charge. We do all of this to help promote the development and enablement of top-quality Mediums and to help clients like you have easy access to highly capable, trustworthy Mediums.
One of the best ways you can pay it forward is to give thorough, thoughtful feedback on your survey. It’s a critical piece of feedback that Mediums use to help in their growth, so they are better prepared to help others with their skills.
Some other ways you can pay-it-forward to help others include:
Recommend VerySoul:
Share your experience with friends and family to help them consider booking their own VerySoul session.
Volunteer with VerySoul:
Volunteer for practice sessions with other Mediums who are earlier in their development. Volunteer Sign Up or register as a volunteer. Go to, click or tap “Login” and then select “Volunteers” from the drop-down menu.
Help Fund VerySoul:
Help VerySoul continue to provide free services to Mediums and free sessions to those in need with your contribution of any size. Pay-It-Forward Contribution or use the “Pay-it-Forward” button at the bottom of our main page at
Mediumship can be a bit elusive. A Medium can be excellent at their work but still not be the best instrument for every communicator. So it’s possible that someone else’s amazing experience with a Medium may not translate into such an amazing experience for you.
Given the large, diverse range of Communicators and Clients, no single Medium will always be the best communication instrument for every situation. Rather than blindly following a single recommendation, we strongly encourage you to review the feedback from others and then let yourself be inspired as you make your selection from a qualified pool of Mediums.Yes. But the minimum requirement is that every VerySoul Medium must be able to make a purposeful link with validated evidence. It’s OK if you’re a “Novice” and can’t hold a link for long or are still working through developmental issues. That’s what practice sessions are for and we invite you to hone those skills with VerySoul. However, if you have not yet been able to make a purposeful and independently verified link, we ask that you continue to work on that before requesting membership.
If you are a medium interested in joining VerySoul, you can start here to learn more: