What our recent clients are saying…

Karin, USA

If you are grieving or need to connect with your loved ones on the Other Side, VerySoul is a very good place to visit!

Denyse, USA

I am very pleased with Very Soul. They are trustworthy and quite affordable. I am so happy that this exists and hope it thrives.

Deborah, USA

My overall experience was good. I realized that I was hoping to hear something other than what came through, however, when I reread my notes I am very happy with what came through and know it was what is needed. I’m very thankful!

Nani, USA

It was a valuable experience and enlightening for me. This was my first session with a medium . I had no expectations and was pleasantly surprised.

Stacey, USA

It was a beautiful and enriching experience that made me want more.

Christina, USA

It was worth it and meaningful to me. I appreciated the donated session very much.

Polly, USA

Timely, excellent communications!

Rosa, Portugal

Deep thankfullness

Linda, USA

Such an important service for listeners and mediums to grow and connect. It is a very loving community of talented and loving mediums.

Meaghan, USA

My experience with VerySoul has been amazing. Unfortunately at this point in my life I can’t afford to pay for a medium, and I was so desperate to connect with my loved ones. I did not have very high expectations due to it being a donated/free reading but my medium blew me away! I am so grateful that VerySoul exists.

Angie, USA

Be open minded. Write down all your notes. What doesn’t make sense now, may make sense later. This was my first time meeting with a medium and she validated so many things. 2 loved ones came through and it was so meaningful. She was on point about everything. I will definitely try this again!

Jennifer, USA

It was very easy to navigate, book, and follow through with the appt. The medium was very accurate and kind. I sensed a true connection between her and the spirit world.

Janine, USA

Great way to connect with Loved Ones.

Kalpna, India

Excellent. it was really priceless for me.


Excellent, nothing but great.

Maggie, USA

Having communication from my boyfriend was estatic for me.

Angel, USA

It was surreal. I really did not expect much from the session as I am a skeptical person, but during my session, lots of references from the spirit world, some of the descriptions of the ones in the other side accurately fit some of the loved ones I’m missing. Thank you.

Kathy, USA

I’m not sure he connected with the other side but he did give me valuable and insightful information about myself and my future.

Janine, USA

Great way to connect with Spirit. Medium was very detailed in her descriptions.

Isabel, USA

Super easy and streamlined! My medium was spot on the majority of the evidence she brought forward for me.

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